A Comprehensive Guide to SEO Concepts

This comprehensive guide explains the basics of SEO concepts such as Page Experience and Core Web Vitals, mobile-based indexing, machine learning and automation, E-A-T and backlinks.

A Comprehensive Guide to SEO Concepts

Search engine optimization (SEO) is optimizing a website's technical configuration, content relevance, and link popularity to make it easier for users to find, more relevant, and popular in search engine results. With the launch of mobile-focused indexing, the upcoming Google page experience update, and Core Web Vitals, it is essential for SEO professionals to stay up-to-date with the basic concepts of SEO. Google's Page Experience and Core Web Vitals, which will be released in June 2021, are two essential aspects that SEOs must be aware of. Core Web Vitals are a set of standards that Google will use to evaluate whether a page provides a good user experience.

To benefit from the associated ranking signal, all Core Web Vitals must meet the minimum threshold set by Google. Google has also announced that mobile-based indexing will be the new standard. About 55% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, which is expected to increase. Therefore, it is not enough to have a site optimized for mobile devices; now, you must prioritize them.

In addition to Google and its algorithms, machine learning and automation are becoming a powerful combination for SEOs, providing real-time information and automating repetitive tasks. Although E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is not an algorithm, it will indirectly affect rankings if you do not follow best practices to ensure that your site has expert, authoritative content that users trust. For example, you must pay close attention to the knowledge graph with E-A-T. The ultimate goal of SEO is to position a website in the top positions of organic search engine results. Before delving into optimization concepts, let's take a quick look at the strategy behind search engines.

As Google continues its commitment to user experience, understanding how key SEO concepts help the end user is essential for success. I know from experience that beginners find it challenging to understand the concept of backlinks and their importance for SEO. This can help you identify the ideas your target audience is likely looking for, increasing your chances of attracting a solid audience.

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